

发布时间: 2024-05-12 19:50:17北京青年报社官方账号



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"Coordination and integration between cities remain the key words of developing metropolitan areas," said Zhang Yansheng, chief research fellow at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges. Shenzhen, the most innovative region in the Greater Bay Area, may join hands with Hong Kong, which boasts top universities, capital markets and a modern service industry. Zhang suggested Guangzhou, as a city of trade and service, could also coordinate with Foshan, which boasts a high-quality traditional manufacturing industry.


"China's economic restructuring may not have a major adverse effect on the supply and demand side of the economy," Zhang said.


"Compared with 2003, whether it's Hong Kong or other places, I think we're now in a much stronger position to contain the epidemic," said Ko, who was a director of the Hospital Authority and the city's acting chief executive in the final stages of SARS outbreak 17 years ago.


"China's audiovisual market is growing rapidly. But now many video platforms are becoming more and more similar to one another which makes them more challenging to user numbers and advertising revenue," said Wei Pengju, director of the Institute of Cultural Economics at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing. Companies in the audiovisual sector are certainly aware of the challenges and are actively seeking solutions. The Xigua video app now targets the new mid-sized video sector to win more users.


"Confronted by the severe impact of climate change, China advocates a global community of shared future, greater international cooperation on energy governance, and a new round of energy reform directed towards clean and low-carbon development," said the document.


